169 - 6 Surprising Myths Holding Your Happiness Hostage

Contrary to popular belief, money can buy happiness. But according to science you’re probably shopping in the wrong aisle.

Today we explore the pursuit of happiness and debunk 6 common myths about what makes us truly, long-term happy. Over the past 10 years a multi-billion dollar industry has popped up around selling Americans the ‘happiness dream,’ but how many of those early happiness studies can be trusted? How much was real science, versus wishful thinking bought and paid for by the same industry trying to sell us self-care routines and weekend seminars?

Our first myth concerns money, and how we buy happiness. We’ll talk about the happiness index, the income slope that determines our happiness peak, buying fancy things, and expensive plastic surgeries. (You can try to guess now which of those will actually make you happy). We’ll also talk about the gifts you can give yourself that will actually make you long-term-happy, versus the gifts that fade. Then we’ll delve into five more myths about what’s really keeping your happiness hostage.

Does chasing success make you happy, or does it just keep you in a miserable rat race? What about mastery in your career? Is Mastery just part of the rat race too? Which part of the country should you move to, to be more happy. And why do so many news agencies get it wrong? Why does your family have the worst happiness advice? Should you even try to be happy in the first place, or does embracing negative emotions make you live longer?

Join us on our mission to free the American hostage known as happiness. Then, stick around until the end when we discuss the three biggest indicators of happiness, which have yet to be dethroned even after 30 years of repeated studies.













Episode 32 - Didier Lobard & Meanness


Episode 31 - McArthur Wheeler & Self Perception